If you speed up distance, you will be burning more calories. You use more muscles with brisk walking strides and arm motions. Appropriate for women and men of all ages, brisk walking burns almost as many calories as running or jogging for the same distance.
Already limbered up, find a place where you feel comfortable and do those head tilting, hand, arm and leg stretching exercises. It may be in spot inside your house where you have enough space to move around your arms and legs, or it may be in the park after brisk walking or jogging. A 30 minute to an hour exercise would be good enough for the mind and the body and start the day right. It would be best if you get on the habit of an exercise schedule everyday Feel energized before you get on that computer or talk to a client.
You may also want to do those leg stretching and stress-removing yoga exercises at the end of the day. You may want to drop by a gym or go to your favorite exercise spot and do some work-outs. Or are you on a freelance job? This work schedule makes you manage your work-outs the regular time you want it. You may opt to make your exercises light and meditative so you may want to go on a yoga body stretching program. Yoga practitioners and teachers can be found in gyms or ask from health and vegetarian buffs.
Exercise does a lot of good things for the mind and the body. Aside from trimming out unwanted bulging fats, exercise helps lower blood cholesterol and control weight and blood sugar. Exercise helps you prevent and control risk illness such as high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes.
Exercise also improves sex life. It rejuvenates the muscles and lifts the mood traced due to the improvement of blood circulation in the body. What more, exercise leads to good sleep.
It is important to exercise regularly doing activities that raise your heart rate. Start slowly and gradually build up your exercise program. Maintain a weight-loss work out schedule. There is nothing better than a body which feels light and healthy.
7 benefits of regular physical activity
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