Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Laugh out Loud

A good laugh makes you relieved and happy. Either it is a guffaw, a boisterous or a short laughter. The effect is good and contagious. Not only is it good for one’s health. It also infects everyone within hearing view to share in the laughter which springs from the heart.

Make it a part of your daily life to laugh. At least once a day. Laughter is good for health. And it had been proven so. Research found out that those who laughed watching funny movies increased blood flow by an average of 22 percent.

When someone laughs, the tissue that forms the inner lining of the blood vessels called the endothelium, dilate to increase blood flow. Increased blood flow helps to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.

Laugh a little louder each day with new jokes, cartoons, photos and videos from ReadersDigest.com.

A regular dose of laughter drives the woes and troubles away, preps up the day, and makes living cool and easy. Work becomes lighter and greetings go warm and cheerful.

Grab a copy of Reader’s Digest at your favorite book store or mouse through ReadersDigest.com and have that dose of Daily Laughs begin your day.

Or, you may want try have fun with your personal photos. If you have a Facebook page, download this application to your profile page. This is also an opportunity to join a photo contest. Enter the rd.com funny photo contest and join now.

Laughter is good for the heart


Anonymous said...

Wow, nice blog.
Beautiful pictures.

Please visit:


Good luck

Wil said...

Hey Gina, just wanted to wish you a belated Happy New Year! :)

Anonymous said...

Hallo Wil, Happy Valentines! Wishing you lots of luck this year and the years to come.

Wil said...

THanks, Gina! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! :D How's Bill, btw?